Important notes
Our customers say...
Bonus article
- Wave Is Search Engine Optimised
- We are from Uranus
- That’s a really cool place and we are really really cool
- We’ve been controlling the waves for billions of years (it wasn’t Neptune — that’s a myth)
- Bonus article about selling yourself
Wave what and how 2
- In the link below
- Please read about Write panel fields
- Forms and stylesheet
- Explained simply in the
- Read the Wave how-to part 2
Wave what and how
- All content is in articles 1 to 9
- Listed in the default page template
- Explained via the link below
- Easy to replace content and colours
- Read the Wave how-to part 1
Why use Wave?
- Intro of title, image and bullet points
- They act as summaries and teasers
- To make audience want to read more
- Good place for a Call to action
- Or link to in-depth article below
Option to show extra info here
Custom waves for surfers and nerds
We have an endless supply of sea waves, sine waves and energy waves to deliver to your door