
Agro Sheriff


Agro Sheriff

Bonus article

Posted by peter

*Also read why : how 1 : how 2

Search Engine Optimisation is a must for websites that want to be found in search results. Getting links from high ranking sites with related content is generally acknowledged as most important but if a site is poor in its structural design and its content presentation, then search engines will downgrade it.

Good web design should be made to suit all devices; a site should be easy to read at all sizes; mobile phone users should not have long waits for pages or images to load; it should be accessible to everyone, especially the target audience; beneath the surface, data should be semantically correct so that search engines can make sense of it and present it correctly in the search engine results pages (serps); and content should be interesting enough to keep people reading — yes, search engines have some way of rating this too.

The default Textpattern theme does all these things and I hope the changes I’ve made to create this theme also satisfy those shoulds. Below I’ve added some notes gleaned over the years that I think are generally thought to be good practice for selling yourself or your services. They may also help you think about key words you might include for SEO in headings or strong or emphasised text.

Headline and Subheading

  • (They work best if…)
  • Main headline says what you do and who you do it for (your niche audience)
  • Subheadline says how it benefits the audience in some way and if possible…
  • Something unique, valuable or essential that the audience can relate to
  • (Otherwise, why should they read on?)

Intro section

  • (Headings, images or bullet points are best if they present…)
  • Vital, interesting info first
  • Succinct key points
  • Why your offering is so good
  • What they need to know
  • Essential info and just enough info

Things to consider

  • Who exactly is your audience?
  • Niche audience is very good
  • What exactly are they looking for?
  • Can you offer what they want?
  • What exact search terms might your audience use?
  • Why should they choose your services?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What experience do you have that’s most relevant?
  • What can you show so that a stranger will trust you?

*Also read why : how 1 : how 2

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